Volunteer Fox Cities Membership Renewal for 2025

Use this form to fill out your membership renewal information. This is a renewal for the 2025 Calendar Year.

Please fill out by 12/31/2024 if possible. 

Invoices will be sent at the start of the new year.


Contact our Member and Events Manager, Melissa Jagodinsky

melissa@volunteerfoxcities.org or 920-832-9360 

Know another organization that could benefit from our services?

If you know a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, school, government agency, church, or for-profit healthcare organization that may benefit from our services, please have them contact us at (920) 832-9360, or visit https://www.volunteerfoxcities.org/become-a-member/ for more details. 

Member Renewal Form

Organization Information

Organization Mailing Address
Organization Mailing Address

Organization Contacts

Membership Payment Information

NEW for 2025: We’re excited to introduce membership tiers to better serve organizations of all sizes, including small nonprofits and for-profit healthcare organizations. ALL membership tiers include equal access to our membership benefits.
Organization Type and Operating Budget
Please select your type and/or budget range to determine your membership fee. You may be asked to provide a budget summary.

Membership Invoice Preferences

Invoice Recipient – Select the contact above that should receive the invoice
Invoice Delivery – How would you like to receive your invoice?
Payment Method upon Receiving Invoice