Volunteer Fox Cities
Enter RSVP Hours
Thank you for volunteering through RSVP!
Below are the ways you can submit your volunteer hours:
To enter your hours online CLICK HERE.
If this is your first time logging in use the following information:
Your user name will be your first and last name with no spaces.
Your password will be the word password in lowercase. You will change this upon your first log in.
username: johnsmith
password: password
If you need help, or forgot your user name or password please contact RSVP staff:
(920) 832-9360 or email: rsvp@volunteerfoxcities.org
Email your completed hours reporting form to rsvp@volunteerfoxcities.org.
Call (920) 832-9360 and ask to speak to someone from RSVP.
Mail your completed hours reporting form to:
RSVP/Volunteer Fox Cities
2616 South Oneida St., Suite 2
Appleton, Wi. 54915
Fax your completed hours reporting form to (920) 832-9317
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Join us and help make the Fox Cities a better place to live.