Salvation Army Depends on Volunteers to Help Families During the Holidays
It’s no secret that the holiday season is the busiest time of year for the Salvation Army of the Fox Cities. Allison Oravec, volunteer coordinator, says it is the time of year when they help the most families. “We give them not only their normal groceries and a meal, or provide them a place to […]
RSVP member’s love of English bridges literacy gap
Nancy Pierce retired in 2001 as a registrar at a local hospital, but feels she may have missed her calling in life. “I love English,” she said. “I wish I had gone to college to be an English teacher.” I like the interaction between student and teacher.” The 81 year-old Kaukauna resident uses her passion […]
Falls Prevention Program for Older Adults Proven Effective
Wisconsin ranks No. 1 in the nation for the number of falls for people age 65 and older, and a local agency aims to do something about it. The Aging and Disability Resource Center is sponsoring Stepping On, a program that has proven to reduce falls and build confidence for older adults. Physical therapists, pharmacists, […]
Bethesda Continues its Mission of Helping People with Disabilities
A Lutheran pastor started Bethesda Lutheran Communities more than 100 years ago after a father reached out to his church to get support for his two children with special needs after his wife died. Lutheran congregations and people with children in group homes began opening Bethesda Thrift Shops all across the nation. Today, the agency […]
RSVP Tutors Making a Difference in Chilton Schools, Community
When Alice Ruhland retired from the Piggly Wiggly in Kaukauna five years ago, she started looking for something to do. Today, she tutors kindergartners in reading at Chilton Elementary School on Thursdays. “I really like it,” she said. “It’s a good reason for me to get going. I love the kids – they are like […]
Sometimes, it’s the Little Things in Life that Make a Big Difference
David Hinds knows that even the simplest things in life can mean a lot to a 10 year-old boy from a single-parent home. He said CJ, his young mentee, loves to have dinner with Hinds and his wife and take their salt and pepper schnauzer, Holly, for a walk. “Sometimes it’s the dog walking him!” Hinds […]
RSVP Volunteer Keeps Vans Rolling for Veterans
At 81, RSVP member Cal Gardner is still driving – every day. He drives a shuttle at ThedaCare Regional Medical Center and the Housing Authority and recently began driving the Fox Valley Warming Shelter van, transporting the agency’s clients to downtown Appleton and other important destinations. And since the first of the year, he has […]
Adult Tutor Provides Community Connection
Helping Latinos who are struggling with communication is one of Tom Stenklyft’s passions. The process brings him back to his roots. His grandparents emigrated from Sweden and in her later years as a widow, his grandmother lived with his family. He recalls her broken English and the difficulty she had with pronouncing the letter “j.” […]
RSVP Volunteer is ‘Making The Ride Happen’ around the Fox Valley
Doris Peters doesn’t like to sit home, so on the third Thursday of each month she serves her community by giving folks a ride in her gray 2007 Buick. The 84-year-old Kimberly resident is a volunteer driver for Making The Ride Happen (MRH), a transportation, information and assistance program of Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin […]
Habitat for Humanity on track to build 17 homes in the Fox Cities
When Jodi Isom joined the Greater Fox Cities Habitat for Humanity as volunteer services manager in 2000, the agency was building two to three newly-constructed homes a year. This year, they are on track to build 17 homes, three of which are older structures that will be rehabilitated in conjunction with the agency’s home buyer […]