Nonprofit Project Application
For Nonprofits: Application for a Group Project or Volunteer in a Box Kit
Thank you for your interest in hosting a volunteer group, or recieving Volunteer in a Box kits. We will make all efforts to fill your need; however, filling out the form does not guarantee your need will be filled. All chosen Give Back volunteer projects and Volunteer in a Box projects are at the decision and discretion of Volunteer Fox Cities.
For volunteer group requests all projects should come close to satisfying these general guidelines:
• You are a registered nonprofit, charitable organization
• You are not a political or strictly religious organization
• Project should last between 2 – 3 hours
• Project should be enough to keep everyone busy for the allotted time (keep this in mind when filling out number of volunteers anticipated!)
• Project can be indoors/outdoors, but if your project is outdoors, every attempt should be made to have a back-up indoor project available.
• You or someone at your organization is highly encouraged to attend so you can share information about your nonprofit during the project
• You are highly encouraged to offer brochures or other promotional material for our volunteers
For Volunteer in a Box Kit requests:
- Please list what type of kit and items you would like included in the kit.
- Final kit selection is by the groups that is assembling the project – therefore we can not promise all kits will be selected.
- If delivery of finished kits is not available, you may be asked to have a representitive pick up finished kits.